Acton Cemetery
Acton Cemetery was deeded to the Acton Presbyterian Church in 1923, having become the “town burial Ground” informally since the 1870s. Previously it was graced with large stands of eucalyptus trees and because of its higher ground, was considered a desirable place for burying loved ones and friends. The Cemetery is located on Aliso Road, off Crown Valley Road, at the west end of the road.
It was agreed at the time the property was deeded to the Church, that the plots would be reserved for Acton residents only, and that plots would be made available free of charge. So it has remained to this present day. However, as there is no financial backing for the Cemetery and no one has even left any endowment for its upkeep, the Ruling Elders of Acton Church who also comprise the Board of Directors of the Cemetery have established a Cemetery Fund which is reserved solely for the upkeep of the Cemetery. By establishing this fund about 15 years ago, small but significant improvements in fencing and the like have been possible.
Therefore, all families or individuals requesting plots in the Cemetery are required to pay a “donation” into the Cemetery Fund, a portion of which is paid for the opening and closing of the grave. Please contact the Church to get the latest information as this amount changes from time to time. The Board reserves the right to change the set donation without prior notice. Acton Cemetery is available to all past, present, and future residents. Plots are available on a first come, first served basis. Arrangements for burial must be made through the Cemetery manager who will assist and guide through the burial process.
The following are present guidelines established by the Board of Directors:
- All grave markers are to be flat and no higher than 10 inches above the surrounding earth. They may be made of bronze of stone. Wooden homemade markers will not hold up for more than a few years because of the weather, low humidity and wind.
- Markers are to be ordered within six weeks following burial. However, it is considered wise to wait for six months or more before placing markers on graves in order for the earth to settle. Occasionally wet winters make filling in graves with additional earth necessary.
- The Cemetery donation is due at the time of burial.
- Cremated remains as well as casketed remains may be buried in Acton Cemetery.
- All graves are opened by the Church's designated backhoe person. If families wish to open graves, there must be prior permission granted by the Church and the work done under the supervision of the Cemetery manager in order to conform to state regulations.
There is no perpetual care provided. This is an old desert Cemetery, and therefore no “modern” equipment of maintenance materials are provided. However, the Church sponsors an annual Cemetery Clean-up event just prior to Memorial Day weekend in order to give the community the opportunity to assist in maintaining this little piece of "old Acton." There is also a FalI Clean-up in October each year to continue this important work.
- There is no water source in the Cemetery, so only desert happy plants will survive. Wild flower seed may be spread throughout the year but few other plants will survive except what is native to that area.
- The drive through gate is kept locked at all times because of past vandalism and abuse of the property. A walk-through gate is provided, and the drive through may be unlocked as needed by contacting the Cemetery manager and making arrangements for the gate to be opened.
- No horses, ATC's, etc. are allowed in the Cemetery because of damage these have caused, especially to the old historical graves located at the south end of the property.
- Occasionally, families wish to place memorial markers for persons whose remains are scattered or buried elsewhere. Such placement of markers is possible but only with permission of the Board of Directors and arranged through the Cemetery manager. It is suggested that a donation to the Cemetery Fund might be made, the amount to be decided by the family, in order to further the care and upkeep of the property for all Acton residents in the future.
- No additional burials or memorial markers are permitted in the historical portion of the Cemetery on the southern-most hill section of the property.
- The Board of Directors reserves the right to remove old walls or enclosures or dilapidated wooden markers as necessary for the efficient use of the property and to insure the beauty and safety of the Cemetery.
- A portion of the Cemetery has been set aside for the scattering of ashes as desired. A memorial marker may be placed at a location agreed upon by the family and the church.
NOTE: The Sheriff has been made aware of vandalism that has occurred in the past, and the perimeter of the property is patrolled by them.
The Board welcome your questions which you can send to us by calling the Church at (661) 208-8032 or using the "Contact Us” page or clicking on the "email" link on the home page of this website.